SqueezEast Concertinas Band Day

SqueezEast Concertinas have decided that it would not be practical to go ahead with our Annual Concertina Band Day in Stamford, which had been due to take place on 13th June 2021.   We have provisionally booked Sunday 12th June 2022 and hope to see you there.  Full details will appear on our website early next year and will be emailed to people on our mailing list. 

Sharon Pointeer


ICA Concert and Workshop

Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne

ICA Ambassador Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne gave a 1-hour concert on his Facebook channel, sponsored by the ICA.

The concert was live on Sunday, December 6th at 4pm GMT. Click the link to see the recording of the concert.

We all know how live music has suffered this year.  This is why the ICA supported this concert, which is publicly available, and also commissioned a workshop (below) as a benefit to ICA members. 

Cohen would welcome contributions to his PayPal “tips box” (click the link to donate).

Additionally, Cohen has prepared an excellent all-systems concertina workshop which is available only to ICA members.

Join the ICA here to take advantage of this superb opportunity.

ICA Membership and other registrations

Confusing as it may be, joining the ICA does not immediately give access to the members-only area of this website, concertina.org. The membership database is quite separate from the website, and not all members want or need an account on the website.

To add to the confusion, we also have a Register for logging member’s concertinas, which we hope will be useful in cases of theft or other insurance claims.

Hence there are several uses of the word ‘register’ on this site that may be leading to confusion.

There are ways of joining the ICA from here, ways of registering for an account on the site as well as a means of adding your instruments to the Concertina Register.

These are three separate things. If you wish to access the members-only items, you need to fulfil both membership and register separately on the website.

Lessons on Irish Concertina with Caitlín Nic Gabhann

Three time All-Ireland champion on concertina, Caitlín is a regular performer at festivals and in concert halls from North America all the way to Asia. She is also an accomplished dancer and has toured the world with Riverdance as a troupe dancer. Writing tunes since the age of ten, her compositions have been performed in the Cork Opera House and The National Concert Hall, Dublin and recorded by renowned musicians in Ireland and abroad.

Caitlín’s new website of concertina lessons:  IrishConcertinaLessons.com

From Starter to Advanced – Unlimited lessons on Irish concertina with Caitlín Nic Gabhann.

  • UNLIMITED – Unlimited access to all lessons
  • AUTHENTIC – You’re learning from the source
  • YOU’RE IN CONTROL – Learn & improve in your own time, in your own home
  • PERSONAL – Contact Caitlín personally if you have a question

About Caitlín: https://www.caitlin.ie/#caitlin

Caitlín teaches concertina annually at summer and winter schools in Ireland, Europe and USA and has performed with the RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet, Paddy Keenan, Liam Ó Maonlaí, for Presidents and Royalty around the world, most recently at ‘Ceiliúradh’ in the Royal Albert Hall, London as a guest of President Michael D. Higgins. Her debut solo CD release, Caitlín was voted the 2012 ‘CD of the Year’ award by tradconnect.com as well as being labelled the ‘top Irish traditional album of 2012’ by The Wall Street Journal.