Music & Notation Table

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The ICA music library is a wonderful collection of printed, hand-written, and digitised music that was especially written or arranged for the concertina.  We believe it to be the biggest private collection of concertina music in the world. The music library includes a print and manuscript library and a digital music library.

Print and manuscript library: thousands of pages of music, available in digitised form to ICA members on request by contacting ICA librarian Jeremy Hague at More information on the print and manuscript music library is here.

Digital music library: hundreds of pieces of music to view online and download, including items from the 19th-Century Hayman “Concertina Book of Music“, the Boris Matusewitch collection, ICA’s own Concertina World Music Supplements, and from other sources.

All the sheet music items in the digital music library, along with about 500 items from the print and manuscript library, are listed below. You can also view the items in the two libraries separately: print and manuscript library or digital music library.

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Records 1 through 21 of 857
Doc. Ref.TitleClassAuthorArranger
A Child this Day is Born Traditional (England) Michel van der Meiren
A2 Abington Waltz A.Clements
A32 Adagio
A15 Adelaide Beethoven J.Warren
A16 Adelaide. Incomp. acc to A15 Beethoven J.Warren
A5 Adoration R.S.Thornton
A23 Adoration R.S.Thornton H.Stanley
Adverts Giulio Regondi
A4 Afton Water F.J.Hutcherson
Agincourt Carol Henry V, 1415 Michel van der Meiren
Ah Si Fa Core Nicolo Silvani
A28 Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life V.Herbert H.Stanley
Air Air
Air - Paganini Paganini
Air in "La Pre aux Clerc" Air
Air Siciliano Air
S59 Air-based on Schubert's Sonata in Bb F.E.Butler/Schubert F.E.Butler
A3 Albany March A.Clements
A10 Alice, where art thou? Ascher E.Rutterford
Allegretto – Mozart (2 concertinas) Mozart Boris Matusewitch
A6 Allegro J.H.Fiocco A.Bent & N.O'Neil

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