Internet Video Jukebox #23
March 2020
Curated by Paul Walker
Valentin Osipov: virtuoso concertinist
Göran Rahm, writing from Uppsala Sweden
“I just enjoyed Concertina World 480 and it came to my mind that as far as I remember one of the most outstanding concertina artists of today has not been properly exposed anywhere so why not in the Concertina World video list ?”
First off Valentin Osipov playing “Радость любви. The joy of love” on, I think, a 48 key treble Aeola-without the aid of wrist or neck straps.
Next Лара вальс. “Lara Waltz” from the film Dr Zhivago. With piano accompaniment. Note the shimmering chord work with bellows shake.
Next “O, Mari” (E. di Capua). Valentin Osipov and “Accodemia” Trio. Marvel as Valentin’s concertina outguns 3 huge piano accordions!
Click here for a short biog of Valentin Osipov
A delightful Попурри.” Potpourri”, as Valentin uses high treble notes to good effect, with intricate cadenzas.
Chris Drinkwater:commented (on C.Net), “ And notice, also, how far his (VO’s) thumbs protrude beyond the thumb straps, well past his thumb nails. I find the most comforable position for me is with my thumbs positioned so that about half to two-thirds of my thumb nail is protruding, and that is more than many English players I have observed. BTW, his playing shares some similarities with the late Tommy Elliott.”
Continuing with – “Slavonic Dance No.2 (A. Dvořák)”, Valentin Osipov demonstrates how to swing the concertina.
Goran’s selection concludes with -Венгерский танец.” Hungarian Dance”
(This clip is from a personal video archive of A. Bajkov.)
Goran notes,”I corresponded with (VO) in the mid 1980s but lost contact with him later probably due to obstacles with the translated letters – he wrote in Russian of course and I in english.It also was during the USSR era which may have had some importance…
Anyway a couple of years ago I noticed that he had popped up in quite a few clips on Youtube and here are some of them. There are many more….he also plays marimba/xylophone with much elegance….
Very best wishes.”
Now, I hadn’t heard of Valentine Osipov till a year ago. It’s amazing/sad that such a virtuoso talent isn’t more widely appreciated. Please let me know if you are aware how to obtain his CD(s). Thanks PW
Readers : This is your Jukebox – please share your favourite YouTube links of concertina players of any genre with the editor.