Concertina World Magazine

Cover CW 459

Concertina World (CW) publishes articles on all aspects of the concertina: It contains interviews with young, old, new and (un)experienced players and composers, reviews of books and CDs, as well as news and reviews about important concertina-related events. Other items are: history, technique, upcoming events and a music supplement.

Articles and music can be sent electronically to the editor at  email address:

Preferably A5 word documents. Font Verdana, size 10pt. Pictures in colour as tiff format or jpeg.

Deadlines for articles for Concertina World and Music supplement:

  • 15 February for March edition
  • 15 May for June edition
  • 15 August for September edition
  • 15 November for December edition.

Questions concerning advertisements and subscriptions to the hard copy format should be addressed to the same e-mail address.

A music supplement is produced with each Concertina World, some of which are available here.