Internet Video Jukebox 7 – Paul Walker
June 2016
Hugo Diaz Trio – El Choclo -here’s a Tango from Uruguay that we played at Hawkwood recently (here on the Bandoneon)
Licedei – Blue Canary -Euro clowns plus concertinas- difficult to see if they’re miming or not; (note from webmaster: they are definitely miming. The instruments you hear are not concertinas, but I think they are mouth harmonicas).
Alexander Prince concertina “Skottlandspojkar Polka” on Victor 17795 (I Googled in vain to find a CD by this master of the Duet concertina;)
Cormac Ó Beaglaíoch: (another young Anglo player showcased at the Swaledale Squeeze) Traditional Irish Music from here playing some steady barn dances;
Simon Thoumire plays a concertina version of the Bee’s Wing Hornpipe (keep an eye on Simon’s flying pinkies;)
“Playing the concertina” DVD (Snippets from Douglas Rogers & Pietro Valente) –order from Concertina-Academy website;
Giulio Regondi: Waltz I- arranged Ivano Paterno for accordion-(the nearest I can get to Douglas Rogers playing Regondi on concertina!)
Alex Wade – English Concertina- on the sands at Low Newton by the Sea- playing Northumbrian tunes & narrowly avoiding frostbite!
Please share any International concertina-type links with us.